Sunday, March 11, 2012

Alternative Sources of Energy

    It is hard to live without Energy, but it is impossible to find  another planet to live in. Energy is everything. It comes in many forms such as heat, electricity, light, mechanical energy. Conventional energy sources such as coal and oil are the main contributors to the global warming. Further more, these fossil fuels are not renewable, which means one day we will run out of them. The good news is alternative sources of energy can replace the current technologies we are using. These renewable energy sources are environment friendly as they emit less carbon dioxide, compared to fossil fuels. There are many alternative sources of energies that harness natural forces and resources such as solar power, wind power, and geothermal energy.

    From environmental prospective solar power is the best alternative source of energy. It is the light and the heat from the sun which is harnessed to generate power. It is created by converting the sun rays into electricity using solar panels. Additionally, solar panels change the sun light that hit it into heat, which is used to heat homes, water, swimming pools, and for cooking. There is also another energy sources that is safe and natural in the same time.

    Wind power is one of the oldest forms of energy that benefited mankind so greatly. It is the use of the wind power to produce electricity. In the past, people used it to navigate water, to pump water and to dry clothes. Today, we use it to produce electricity. In this technology, when the wind blows, it rotates the blades of the wind turbines. This rotation runs electric generators. There is one more source of energy which can be used as an alternative to fossil fuels.

    Geothermal energy is one of the main sources of alternative energy. It is the heat of the earth, which is continuously produced in the core of the earth. It is very beneficial to the earth and it atmosphere as it doesn't produce any pollution. In this technology, Wells are drilled to pump heated water and steam. Then, that steam and heated water are purified to drive wind turbines which produce electricity. It works best in sunny climate regions.

    Energy is everything. It can be found in many forms. Fossil fuels cause many environmental issues due to the emission of carbon dioxide. However, alternative source of energy can substitute traditional energy sources with almost no negative effects on the environment. One of the alternative energy sources is solar power. In smaller scale, it is used to heat houses, water and in cooking. In larger scale, it is used to generate electricity. Another source is wind power. Older wind turbines used to grind crops, now to run generators and generate electricity. A third source is geothermal energy, in which, heated water and steam are used to run generators.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Friendship Between Men VS Friendship Between Women


A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be. Friendships among women are more likely to last, because women are so kind, caring and loving; they love to support each others, that generally is not available in friendships among men. Friendship among women is deeper and stronger than friendship among men.

Women spend their time with their friends in friendship based activities. We tend to talk in details because we want to know everything about our close friends. We share important feelings, thoughts and experiences, which strengthen our friendship. We love to listen to and help our friends; we give and receive emotional support. Friendship is about sharing and caring and that's what women do in their friendships.

Men spend their time with their friends in physical based activities. Their friendship is centered on particular activities such as playing sports and videogames. It doesn't mean they don't talk to their friends, but they keep it short and to the point. However, Friendship is not what you do in your spare time every weekend; it is something deeper than that.

Women have stronger bond of friendship than men do. We do things that strengthen our ties. We support each other; we give and receive emotional support, whereas men prefer to do things together in practical way. In my opinion, it is possible to have a deep and enduring friendship only when we start caring about our friends and by being the friend you want to have

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Complaint Letter

Mr. Abdul Salam Al-Jawfi
Ministry of Education
Sana'a, Yemen

Dear Mr. Al-Jawfi,

My name is Hanan and I've just graduated from university of engineering. I have a bachelor of science in Information Technology (BSc IT ) and my student identification number is 74051345.

My problem is that I haven't received the final year marks sheet, which is supposed to be received via post 2 months ago. I received all the papers except for this. I have complained about it many times but there is no response.

I would like the university to send me my final year mark sheet immediately to my address below as I need it to apply for TOTAL Scholarship, which will be held in January.

I'm looking forward to considering my case for which I will be grateful for you.


Hanan Abdulrahman
 P.O. Box 97231, Salah Aldeen Street, Crater
Aden, Yemen

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My biggest fear

        No matter how big we are, we all have fears. I have fears of nearly everything such as heights, the dark, death of loved ones, being alone, deep water and all reptiles. I know I sound like a little child but that's me. Failure is perhaps my biggest fear.

    My fear of failure has ruled my life. I always have a fear of disappointing my parents' expectations and those of others. When I finished high school, my parents wanted me to be a doctor. But I decided to choose my future path in information technology. I want to prove to them that I've taken the right path and made the right choice. Furthermore, I always try my best to be perfect in everything and have high standards. Because of this fear I never feel satisfied about what I accomplish.

    I have always let my fear of failure and not being good enough to control my life and to keep me from enjoying it. What I need is to believe in my self, in my capabilities and to have good thoughts as well. I'll change the thoughts of negativity and fear to those of optimism and positivity. It is impossible to please everyone. Therefore, I'll have my own expectations to fulfill.

Global warming

    There are a growing number of environmental issues. Today, global warming is the biggest and most serious problem our planet is facing. Global warming is on the rise, while it is too late to reverse its effects, we can try to minimize them.

    The impact of global warming can be reduced, only If people take the problem seriously and work together to make a difference. There are many ways of minimizing the effects of global warming. One way is to stop producing carbon dioxide, which is the main contributor to global warming.  Another is to stop destroying rain forests, which are responsible for absorbing carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere and release clean oxygen. A third way is using alternative sources of energy.

    Unfortunately, getting people to change their habits is not an easy thing to do. Many people don't seem to care about the environment. Others don't want to stop using oil and coal as they are cheaper. Farmers continue cutting down trees of the forests. Not body is ready to save power.

    Global warming is a major environmental issue. Simple changes in your daily habits and lifestyle can lead to serious energy savings. However, if we continue destroying the environment, the next generations will suffer the consequences and life on earth will be endangered.