Sunday, March 11, 2012

Alternative Sources of Energy

    It is hard to live without Energy, but it is impossible to find  another planet to live in. Energy is everything. It comes in many forms such as heat, electricity, light, mechanical energy. Conventional energy sources such as coal and oil are the main contributors to the global warming. Further more, these fossil fuels are not renewable, which means one day we will run out of them. The good news is alternative sources of energy can replace the current technologies we are using. These renewable energy sources are environment friendly as they emit less carbon dioxide, compared to fossil fuels. There are many alternative sources of energies that harness natural forces and resources such as solar power, wind power, and geothermal energy.

    From environmental prospective solar power is the best alternative source of energy. It is the light and the heat from the sun which is harnessed to generate power. It is created by converting the sun rays into electricity using solar panels. Additionally, solar panels change the sun light that hit it into heat, which is used to heat homes, water, swimming pools, and for cooking. There is also another energy sources that is safe and natural in the same time.

    Wind power is one of the oldest forms of energy that benefited mankind so greatly. It is the use of the wind power to produce electricity. In the past, people used it to navigate water, to pump water and to dry clothes. Today, we use it to produce electricity. In this technology, when the wind blows, it rotates the blades of the wind turbines. This rotation runs electric generators. There is one more source of energy which can be used as an alternative to fossil fuels.

    Geothermal energy is one of the main sources of alternative energy. It is the heat of the earth, which is continuously produced in the core of the earth. It is very beneficial to the earth and it atmosphere as it doesn't produce any pollution. In this technology, Wells are drilled to pump heated water and steam. Then, that steam and heated water are purified to drive wind turbines which produce electricity. It works best in sunny climate regions.

    Energy is everything. It can be found in many forms. Fossil fuels cause many environmental issues due to the emission of carbon dioxide. However, alternative source of energy can substitute traditional energy sources with almost no negative effects on the environment. One of the alternative energy sources is solar power. In smaller scale, it is used to heat houses, water and in cooking. In larger scale, it is used to generate electricity. Another source is wind power. Older wind turbines used to grind crops, now to run generators and generate electricity. A third source is geothermal energy, in which, heated water and steam are used to run generators.



  1. It is well written but not upto the excpectation of " someone who wants to read/search an essay about alternative sources of energy ". The essay was supposed to be about the topic 'alternative sources of energy' and not about the topics included in alternative sources of energy ( I am not such a good orator) . It's the same everywhere but since this is a blogspot and termed as 'My Essays' , I thought of mentioning it. Hope you don't mind.....

    1. It is hard to live without Energy, but it is impossible to find another planet to live in. Energy is everything. It comes in many forms such as heat, electricity, light, mechanical energy. Conventional energy sources such as coal and oil are the main contributors to the global warming. Further more, these fossil fuels are not renewable, which means one day we will run out of them. The good news is alternative sources of energy can replace the current technologies we are using. These renewable energy sources are environment friendly as they emit less carbon dioxide, compared to fossil fuels. There are many alternative sources of energies that harness natural forces and resources such as solar power, wind power, and geothermal energy.

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